Rock construction defines Franchise Construction as hiring us to be an integral part of your team, keeping franchise expectations and workload management at the top of our priority list. We know the biggest benefit we can bring  to your table is being your trusted partner so you can focus on hiring, marketing, and training so you’re ready to floor it when the light turns green.  

Most franchise organizations have a list of accepted construction companies and contractors they’ll allow you to  work with. If we’re not already on their, just let us know. We’ll happily provide all the criteria needed to show  them we are a qualified organization they can trust.  

Once you’ve selected your future location and have site approval from the franchise, we’ll review the franchise’s  blueprints/layouts, site development requirements, and the floor plan (sometimes referred to as a footprint). We  understand, in most cases, these guidelines aren’t in fact guidelines. It’s a rule book. Even if you think the counter  should be a foot longer on one side or the menu wall should be a little closer to the counter so it’s easier for a  guest to read, you must have approval from the franchise before making even the smallest of adjustments.  

We’ll always make sure to understand the franchise timeline, and more importantly, your timeline for when you  need to be open. Franchising is an excellent way to advance and grow as a business owner, but until that open sign  clicks on, it’s a ticking clock investment. Making sure we all understand these delicate and incredibly important  expectations will help us plan out your project in phases so we can all be sure we’re sticking to your desired schedule. 

We have served many franchise opportunities in our years of experience and have very satisfied clients. Check out  our projects page to see some of the franchises we’ve had the pleasure of working with. If you’d like to speak with  one of them about their experience, just ask us! Our clients are always happy to share their experience of Rock  Construction’s amazing team.


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